
Conventional, 16 upwards. Responses: 1D 0-7



1H 1S 2C 2D positive, 8 upwards, with a 5-card suit; NT 8-13; 2H 2S semi-positive, 5-6; 2NT  14+ (no 5 card suit); 3C 3D 7-card suit with two top honours; 3H 3S 4-6, long suit; 3NT 14-15.



11-12 mini NT Or 11-15, with a D-suit. Raise to 2D stronger than a raise to 3D, other responses natural


1H 1S

11-15, 5-card suit in principle. Response of 1NT forcing for one round.



13-15 throughout. Response of 2C Stayman, 2D 2H transfer, 2S probe



11-15, fair suit, may include a 4-card major.



Responses: 2D conventional and forcing, 2H 2S invitational, 2NT natural, 3C constructive.



3-suiter or semi-3-suiter with short diamonds, 11-15


2H 2S

Weak two bid, 6-10 with a good suit. Response of 2NT

conventional and forcing.



22-23, response of 3C 5-card puppet Stayman


3C 3D 3H 3S

Normal pre-empts.



Solid 7-card minor suit, no outside strength.


4C 4D

Transfer [TEXAS] bids for 4H and 4S respectively.


4H 4S

Normal pre-empts.








1D (negative)


Limited long suit

6-card major, 3-6

7-card major, 4-6

7-card minor, headed by AQorKQ

2H 2S (semi-positive)

3H 3S

3C 3D




8-13, no 5-card suit


14-15 minor oriented

1NT (positive)






8 upwards, at least 5-card suit Gateway to ITALIAN sequences

1H 1S 2C 2D (positive)




4-4-4-1, 8 upwards

1D (impossible negative)


1D response covers two types of hand: a fail, but also 4-4-4-1 type with positive values. The fail is contradicted with an 'impossible’ rebid.



Asking bids occur only after there is a positive response to 1C: All rebids except 2NT are asking bids.


When opener bids a new suit over the positive, this is NUSUIT ALPHA.

Responder replies in five steps:

1, no positive support (min Q x x), not more than 3 controls;

2, no positive support, 4 or more controls;

3, positive support, limited controls;

4, positive support, 4 or more controls;

5, 4-card positive support, 4 or more controls.

With a strongly distributed hand responder may by-pass the ALPHA responses and go beyond the five steps.

When opener rebids 1NT, this is BETA.

Responses: 1 step, 0-2 controls, 2 steps 3 controls, and so on.

When opener raises his partner's suit, this is GAMMA raise. Responses in steps:

 1, no top honour; 2, 5-card suit without honour; 3, 5-card suit with two honours;

 4, 6-card suit with one honour; 5, 6-card suit with two honours; 6, three top honours.

When opener bids a new suit after an alpha or a gamma-question this  is EPSILON (Jannersten); asks for control in that suit: 1 step: no control, 2 steps 3rd round control, 3 steps 2nd round control, 4 steps 1st round control, subsequent bid of suit asks whether ruffing control or not, 1 step ruffing, 2 steps top

An ALPHA bid must always be made at the first opportunity; otherwise a new suit is natural. ALPHA may be followed by GAMMA, by a natural bid in another suit, or by 2NT, which is a "shape inquiry”. 2NT[shape] asks for additional description: a second suit no better than Qxxx, a suit rebid, delayed support for the alpha suit (xxx or Hx), or 3nt 5332.

GAMMA may be bid immediately, or following ALPHA or follow­ing BETA 1NT.

BETA 4C (or 4D if 4C naturally bid) is available as a backdoor control ask if  GAMMA was the first asking sequence or an ALPHA  ask returned 4plus controls in which case the plus part is enumerated as the response. A nusuit then reverts to an EPSILON ask. 

When there is intervention in front of the player who has opened 1C, all bids up to the three level retain their character as asking bids. When there is intervention between the asking bidder and the responder, the first step for responder (up to the three level) is double, the next pass, then the next suit, and so on. The DOPI approach is retained over a double with ROPI.








After 1C-1D-1NT (16-18) 2C is weak Stayman, 2D 2H weak transfer, 2NT 6-7 no 5-card suit, 3NT 7 5-card minor rare; 2S thru 3H are impossible complex, the suit named being the one below the singleton [ROTATED] (so no 2S probe); 4C Gerber, 4D 5s+5h


After 1C-1D-2NT (19-21) 3C is 5-card puppet weak Stayman, 3D 3H weak transfers, 3S  5s+4h, 4C Gerber, 4D 5s+5h, 4H and  4S are IMPOSSIBLY NATURAL


After 1C-1D -3NT (24-26) 4C  is 5-card puppet Stayman, 4D 4H transfers, 4S  5s+4h, 4NT 5s+5h (bypassing RKCB with 4-4 fits)


After 1C-1D-1H(or 1S)1NT is 4-7; 2C 2D fair suit; jump in new suit six to AQ or KQ; 2NT (3C CUE RELAY) IMPOSSIBLE COMPLEX,  double-jump [JJSPLINTER] if values for game raise with shortage in named suit; 3NT raise to game with good trumps; raise to 4H/4S is distributional.


After 1C-1D-2C (or 2D) a new suit at the two level may be a no-trump probe[3cards] or genuine, or may be an ARTIFICE to IMPOSSIBLY imply later a singleton elsewhere (via Delayed Jump Raise); jump new suit six to AQ or KQ; 2N forcing (5-7) or IMPOSSIBLE  MARKTIME(11+),  3N(8-11) the IMPOSSIBLE CONTRARY SHORTAGE . 


1C-1D -2H is forcing to the three level.


1C-1D -3H (or 3S) sets the suit and asks for aces, sub­sequent relay asks for lowest second-round control.[ 3NT SOME KINGS]








The response of 2H or 2S to 1C suggests a 6-card suit with 4-6 points or possibly a 7-card suit with only 3 points. 2NT by opener is a forcing quality probe; opener uses 3H 3S 3NT   to describe suit quality ending with  setupsuit(3nt) . MINIMUM POINT hands use 2 quality grades 3C 3D.


The responses of 3H or 3S show a hand equal to an opening three bid namely a 7-card suit and about 4-6 points.


The responses of 3C or 3D denote a 7-card suit headed by A Q or K Q








After  the  response   of  [WIDE] 1NT  (8-13)   2C   is [TIERED] Stayman, 2D 2H 2S 3C denote a 5-card suit and is ALPHA. The bidding may stop in 2NT after 1C-1NT-2NT or after a Stayman inquiry has failed to discover a 4-4 fit in a major. When responder shows a major over 2C, as in the sequence 1C-1NT-2C-2S, a raise to three is forcing. TIERED Stayman 2C-2NT(11-13)-3C


After the response  of (BALANCED)2NT (14+ but no 5 card suit  )   3C is Baron


After the response  of 3NT(14-15) (PTS CONFINED IN SHORT MINOR SUITS)4C Baron forcing to 4NT natural








The response of 1H    or 1S   denotes upwards of 8 points and a 5-card suit or sometimes 7 points and a 6-card suit. The bidding may stop in 2NT or at the three level only when there is evidence of a misfit.


The response of 2C or 2D denotes 8 points and a 5-card suit occasionally 7 points in a well distributed hand. It is forcing to game or to at least four of a minor.





1C responder with 4-4-4-1 distribution and 8 plus points bids  a CONTRIVED 1D. Then:


When opener rebids 1H or 1S he bids 2NT and opener must  bid  3C (forced).   Then responder with a singleton of openers suit bids 3 of that suit [CONTRARY] with 8-10 or 14 upwards, bids 3NT with 11—13; with support for opener he [CUE]bids the suit of his singleton.


When opener rebids 2C  or 2D   responder with  a
singleton of opener’s suit with 8-10 bids
[CONTRARY]3NT; with 11+ he bids a CONTRIVED 2NT (5-7) but persists after; with support for opener and a singleton elsewhere he just bids a new suit to stage a delayed jump raise (LEVEL4 DJR) in the minor with room to Cue controls.


When opener rebids 1NT responder bids the suit below his singleton [ROTATED] at the three level (2S with a singleton in clubs). If opener is interested he makes a waiting bid in the suit of the known singleton.[REFLECTS]





Over a double by second hand pass with 0-4, bid 1D with 5-7 and no 4-card major, redouble with 5-7 and at least one 4-card (or longer) major, give a normal positive response with 8 or more, or bid a semi-positive 2H or 2S with the usual values.


When second hand overcalls at the one level, pass with 0-4, double (sputnik) with 5-7, bid 1NT on 8-10 with a suitable  guard with upwards  of 8 and no guard either double with  something in hand or cue-bid


When second hand overcalls with 1NT  pass with 0- 4, doubles with  5-7 and a balanced hand, with 5-7 and an honest suit bid  the suit , with positive values double first.


When second hand overcalls at the two level double is sputnik, suit bids may not be strong but are forcing for one round.






As an opening bid, 1D as a mini NT 11-12 covers many weak opening situations.  With 4-5 in the minors  1D is usually correct rather than 13 1NT. Two types; a mini NT or a diamond suit 11-15        [1435 is a 2C]


Response of 1H or 1S. The precision standard is [A LANDSCAPE] 7-15 but this may be shaded with a long suit. On moderate hands with four of a major and a longer minor responder bids the major suit first (opener may have 1245). A rebid of 1NT suggests 11-13.


1NT response is a [MODEST] 8-10


Response of 2C. Usually 10 points, may be 8-9 with a rebiddable suit the sequence is forcing to 2NT. Opener's rebids: 2D may be a waiting bid; 3D JUST DIAMONDS, 2H or 2S upper range may be a 3card no-trump probe; 2NT balanced  12-13; 3C JUST CLUBS non-forcing support; 3H 3S support for clubs and control in the suit named. 3NT 15 clubs and both


A raise to 2D 10-15, forcing for one round; raise to 3D defensive. The raise implies no 4major. The force conventionally solicits a major guard or 2NT both major guards.


Responses of 2H 2S or 3C. The jump-shift guarantees a strong suit or a fair suit with good trump support.


Response of 2NT [IMMEDIATE] BARON -   15+ ,either   balanced,  or 4-4-1-4, or very good trump support and no side suit; asking for 4-card suits 'upwards'.


Response of 3NT balanced 14-15, usually 4-3-3-3.






When second hand doubles 1D the protocol is modern competitive. Suit bids by responder are non-forcing; 2NT conventionally shows a hand worth a sound raise to 3D; direct raises are pre-emptive.


When second hand overcalls in a suit the diamond raise REVERTS: 3D is now stronger than 2D, 2NT is natural, 11-13.


Double of intervention up to 3S is 'SPUTNIK’. This implies suit overcalls are at best invitational .





An opening 1H or 1S shows in principle a 5-card suit and 11 to 15 points, (11 with good playing strength).






A response of 1NT is forcing and is made on the following types: balanced 8-11, ’balanced raise' (10-11 with a ruffling value), moderate hand with a long suit (Type L)> certain types of strong supporting hand (see below).


Over 1NT opener names a second 4-card suit, bids his lowest 3-card suit with 5-3-3-2, rebids a 6-card suit, jumps in a new suit with two strong suits, or bids 2NT with a set-up suit.


When opener bids a new suit over 1NT responder may pass[RETIRE] with a singleton of opener's suit and at least four cards in the second suit; may RAISE with at least five cards in the second suit; RETURNS to opener's suit with a doubleton or three small in a moderate balanced hand; bids a new (Type L) suit with length and moder­ate values bids 2NT with 10 to 11; gives jump pre­ference with three trumps, a doubleton, and 10-11.  

With a (Type S) strong supporting hand responder  jumps to game with very good trumps; by jumpTakeOut to three of a new suit [SHORTNU] with a shortage in that suit; by bidding [SHORT2ND]3NT with a shortage in partner's second suit.   


When opener makes a jump rebid in his own suit or in a new suit, responder with a weak hand may pass or give minimum preference. A new suit shows a control, not Type L.


If responder has passed originally the 1NT is still considered a force (more below). By agreement the force is retained after a 1S overcall.






Pass on a balanced hand up to 7 and on any bad hand.


Respond 1S over 1H from 7 (less with a good suit) to 15. Rebid of 1NT suggests 12-14, 2NT 15; a change of suit is not forcing. On moderate hands a 4-card major is bid in preference to a longer minor.


Response at the two level promises 10 upwards or 8-9 with a rebiddable suit 1H-1S shows a 5-card suit. A rebid by opener in his own suit is not forcing. A change of suit is forcing for one round. A rebid of 2NT shows 12-14, 3NT 15. A raise of partner's suit is not forcing. Jump in a new suit promises strong support and a control in the suit named.


Jump take-out suggests upwards of 15 and cither a strong suit or good trump support and a fair suit


Response of 2NT is [IMMEDIATE] BARON, 15 upwards with no 5-card suit. Opener shows 4-card suits 'upwards’ or rebids 3NT with limited 5-3-3-2, or repeats his first suit, or jumps with two good suits.


Response of 3NT is made on 14-15, preferably 4-3-3-3.


Splinters bids show a singleton or void with good trumps implemented by immediate jump to 4C 4D after a major 1 opening.  Splinters of the majors are defined as 1S -4H and 1H -3S.


When responder has passed originally a take-out at the two level is not forcing but suggests honest values. A jump take-out shows strength in the suit and the values for a raise to three at least. The 1NT response still forcing in principle but is made only on the balanced types or on type l, not with strong supporting hands (use 2NT).


When there is INTERVENTION over 1H or 1S responses of 1NT and 2NT are natural. A double of intervention up to 3S is SPUTNIK (below).


REESE Recommended Forces: When responder’s suit is raised and responder returns to openers suit at the three level; when responder bids at the two level and returns to partner's suit over 2NT; when the rebid is 1NT and responder jumps to 3H (both major suits having been called); when opener has reversed and responded having bid at the two level, gives preference; a new suit at the three level unless both players are limited; a reverse by responder.








After an opening 1D1H or 1S,  a double of intervention is sputnik up to the level of 3S


A sputnik double at the one level suggests 8+ points with four cards in the other major. Opener makes natural rebids on that basis. A cue-bid in the opponent's suit is DAB.


A sputnik double at the two level suggests similar values but implies the other two suits.


When a double would be sputnik a responder who has a natural penalty double should usually pass. The first player should be prepared to reopen even on a minimum.




When intervention raises the level for a suit response by third hand (as in 1D-1S-2H or 1S-2D-3Ctreat this last bid as non-forcing. With a stronger hand double first, then bid the suit the next round.






The range for an opening 1NT is 13-15 in all positions.



When vulnerable, 1D may be safer on a minimum hand.



There are two conventional game seeking responses with 2C Stayman and 2S notrump probe with 10 (include minor take-out).



Other responses: 2D 2H transfers, 2NT 11 natural, 3C 3D, 3H 3S invitational(slam15+) with strong trumps.







An opening bid of 2C is made on hands in the 11-15 range containing a 6-card[7] suit with or without a side suit, or 5clubs and a 4-card major. : 2D relay (see below); 2H 2S 5-card suit invitational; 2NT natural, 10-12; 3C constructive, not forcing; 3D strong suit,  not forcing; 3H 3S inviting game in the suit; 4C 5C defensive raises..



Relay response of 2D is used on three main types; in search of a 4-4 fit in a major, as a continuation, or to establish if appropriate guards are held. Opener's rebid after 2C-2D. Opener shows a 4-card major; bids 2NT with six clubs and guards in two other suits; 3C with an 6 card suit and only one outside guard; 3D with 4-6 in the minors and good playing strength; 4C with strong playing values in clubs only. Over 2NT or 3C responder may bid 3D  to determine guards.



After intervention at the two level, double is SPUTNIK and may be  made either on moderate values where responder wishes to compete or a strong hand where he intends later to introduce a 5-card suit. Suit bids are natural and non-forcing 2NT is natural; a [HALF GUARD] cue bid in the first instance asks opener to bid 3NT with a half-guard (Q x or J x x or better) in the opponent's suit






The opening bid of 2D is made on 3-suiters or almost-3-suiters in the 11-15 range, with the shortage always in diamonds. The pos­sible distributions are 3-4-1-5,  4-3-1-5,  4-4-1-4, and  4-4-0-5.





















Responses: Pass suggests long diamonds and no fit for any other suit. 2H may be very weak with only three hearts; opener who has three hearts himself must transfer to 2S. 2S and 3C are natural and limited, indicating a wish to play at this level, 2NT is forcing (see below), and 3D is invitational with a strong diamond suit.


Response of 2NT is made on hands with game chances where the final contract is uncertain


When there is intervention over 2D all bids by third hand are natural. The only force is a cue-bid.




WEAK 2H and 2S

An opening 2H or 2S is made on a good 6-card or 7-card suit 6 to 10 points. In first or second hand the opening should be restricted to hands that are not particularly suitable for any other method.




Responses: Single raise is defensive. New suit is invitational, [QP] 2NT is a quality probe; opener uses 3H 3S 3NT   to describe suit quality ending with  SETUPSUIT(3NT) . Minimum point hands  use 2 quality grades 3C 3D


Over intervention apply DOPI ROPI






Opening 2NT shows a balanced 22-23, Responses: 3C 5-card puppet Stayman; 3D 3H  transfer;  3S 5spades 4hearts,  4C  Gerber 4D 5-5 in majors.








[NON-PRECISION 3C]  Opening 3C 3D 3H and 3S are normal pre-empts


Opening 3NT signifies a solid 7-card minor with at most a queen outside. Responses: 4C means 'unable to stand 3NT; 4D [HEARING SPEECH AND DEAFNESS CENTRE] singleton ask, opener bidding 4H or 4S with singleton in that suit, 5C or 5D with singleton in the opposite minor, 4NT with 7-2-2-2; 4NT is a general slam try.








Opening 4C and 4D are ‘Texas', requesting [PAIRED] transfer to 4H and 4S respectively- They are stronger than a direct 4H or 4S.  A bid of the intermediate suit by responder is a slam suggestion


Opening 4H and 4S are normal pre-empts.








Defense to 1NT   RIPSTRA – playable in either major better minor


Jump overcalls are 'intermediate'. Responder who is barely worth a raise to game may cue-bid the opponents’ suit to allow the overcaller a chance to sign off.


Michaels’ overcalls, 2C over 1C and 2D over 1D show at least 5-5 in the majors, range about 7 to 11 2H over 1H and 2S over 1S show 5major and a 5minor; in response  2NT asks for  the minor. Unusual 2NT overcall shows lower unbid suits.


Defense to pre-empts. Double of a three bid is for take-out in all positions, always with major-suit preferences.


Unassuming cue-bids. At part score, a Cue-bid by a defender, after partner has made competitive lo-level overall, suggests an honest raise. It requires that responder continue the description of his hand if he holds a stronger type not suitable for SPUTNIK: A suppressed suit or noteworthy  fragment is revealed.


Competitive doubles when the defenders have supported one another at the two level, a double by the opening side is competitive, a double at the three level is competitive when each side has bid only one suit and there is no space for a trial bid.








REESE Cue-bidding Protocols: When four of a major might be a playable contract, it is assumed to be this and not a cue-bid. A player making a cue-bid normally shows his cheapest control, and when he is seen to reverse this order it means that he lacks first-round control of the suit he has by-passed. After the first cue-bid partner should not fail to show (any) control that does not raise the level of the bidding beyond the point of the lowest sign-off.


Use of 4NT, A bid of 4NT may be either (1) a quantitative raise of partner's notrump bid, or (2)  conventional RKC Blackwood with the last natural suit bid  as surrogate trumps if none explicitly agreed 



5C= 30 keys, 5D= 41 keys, 5H= 52 keys, 5S= 52 keys + Qt, 5N= 42 + UsefulVoid,  6C= 31+ C-Void, 6D= 31+ D-Void etc - note the void responses must be below the 6trumps level. 

cheapest free bid after 5C5D asks for Qt

NO    Qt then retreat to any minimum 5 bid

WITH Qt bid 6trumps or as a bonus cue a king at the 6 level if it is of lower rank than trumps.  6C= Qt + Kc, 6D= Qt + Kd, etc

5NT asks for kings


Hi level cue bid

for any remaining controls






Jump 5NT trump asking bid








king or ace

2Hon or Kxxxx


hearts or spades




















FIVE major. By the suit owner, indicates concern about the trump suit. By the supporter it means slam possible but is without additional control in an unbid suit.


GERBER SLIDING  04-1-2-3 (no 4NT exit)


SPLINTERS are 1D-3H3S 2C-4D4H4S and 1H1S-4C4D